25 June 2014
During a routine inspection
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found. We contacted, after obtaining their permission, people who used this agency and visited them in their own homes. We did this to ask them about their experiences of using the service and about the support and care the agency had provided. We also spoke with the provider and care staff who worked for the agency about their work and training. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with the staff, people who used the service, relatives and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
People who used the service told us they felt 'safe' and 'confident' using the agency and that staff could be 'relied upon' and 'trusted'.
The agency had clear safeguarding procedures in place and staff had been given training on safeguarding vulnerable adults. Staff we spoke with were aware of what to do if they suspected someone was at risk of abuse.
Risk assessments had been carried out to help ensure anyone who received care from or worked for the agency were kept safe. This included the person's home environment and staff working alone.
The premises were safe and information was held securely. There was appropriate equipment to run the agency. Recruitment procedures were clear and robust and appropriate security and employment checks had been done before anyone worked in a person's home.
Is the service effective?
People's health and personal care needs had been discussed with them and their needs and preferences made clear in their care plans. Care plans we looked at in people's homes were accurate reflections of their needs and wishes.
We could see from records and asking staff that they had received training appropriate to their roles. This included training to support specific needs such as continence and dementia.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with people using the service and visited some in their home. They told us that staff were 'polite' and 'do as I ask'. Another person said in relation to their care that the staff gave 'one hundred per cent'.
In the care plans we looked at we saw information about individuals that provided personalised information about their preferences, likes and dislikes.
Is the service responsive?
People we spoke with knew how to make a complaint if they were not happy with the service provided. There had not been any complaints made and people we spoke with said they had not needed to make any. We were also told that people knew how to contact the agency if they wanted to speak with the manager or make any changes.
We could see that social services and other support agencies and health care professionals had also provided information to inform the assessments in place. We saw that where necessary people had been referred to other services to make sure they received appropriate treatment and support to meet their needs.
Is the service well-led?
The agency had a quality assurance and monitoring system in place. This helped to identify any areas where there were problems or if something needed to change to improve service provision. There were policies and procedures in place and in the staff handbook to guide staff practices.
Staff we spoke with were clear about what their responsibilities were and told us that the management was supportive and approachable. Staff told us the agency was 'Good to work for' and that training and development were supported so staff could carry out their roles. Staff told us that they had time to spend with people and were not 'rushing from job to job'.