Updated 27 July 2021
Yeldall Manor is a male only Christian residential rehabilitation centre. It previously had 25 beds, but it is being converted to provide 21 en-suite single rooms. The service is a charity organisation operating under the provider Yeldall Christian Centres. It has operated as a rehabilitation centre for 40 years. It receives referrals from local authorities across the UK and also self-funded clients. The provider also offers a bursary, funded by Yeldall Manor via fundraising, for people unable to secure local authority funding.
The abstinence-based programme consists of four phases however only phase one and two are regulated by the CQC. Phase one offers grounding and stabilisation and is 12 weeks in duration. Phase two includes offers growth empowering clients to advance in recovery skills and is 12 weeks in duration. Both phase one and two include one to one counselling and group sessions with work in the house and grounds. Phase three is 18-24 weeks and offers recovery support with the availability of three self-contained flats. Phase four is for 12 months and community based where clients are supported to explore training and employment. The service also offers five move-on houses for clients who reach phase four, and aftercare for 12 months following completion.
The service does not currently provide alcohol or opiate detoxification.
The service has been registered with CQC since 1 October 2010.
A registered manager was in post at the time of the inspection.
We carried out this inspection as part of our ongoing comprehensive inspection programme.
This service was last inspected in May 2018 where we served requirement notices under Regulation 12 HSCA (RA) Regulations 2014 Safe care and treatment and Regulation 18 HSCA (RA) Regulations 2014 Staffing. On this inspection we saw the breach of regulations was resolved.
This is the first time we have inspected and rated the service under our new methodology.
What people who use the service say
We spoke to five clients during the inspection. Generally, feedback was positive. Clients told us they regularly met with their recovery worker and counsellor and were happy with the support they received. Clients praised the activities on offer as part of the treatment programme and all said that they would like more of these. Clients commented that the food was good quality however they would like the opportunity to cook for themselves as only clients on phase three and four of the programme cook meals for themselves. For example, there was a microwave that clients were not allowed to use whilst on phase one and two of the programme.
Clients fed back that they had mixed views on the programme that had been restructured in the light of COVID-19. Some clients appreciated having more ‘down-time’ built into the programme, to allow them to get used to being on their own and managing this time well. Others wanted more activity and support, such as additional counsellor sessions, as they felt they were left on their own too much.
Clients also fed back that due to the changes in both the programme and changes made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, communication wasn’t always clear. For example, clients were able to have access to mobile phones due to lockdown and this was limited to the evenings and weekends, but some staff weren’t always clear on when they should hand back phones. There was also a lack of clarity for the rules on use of communal areas and when they should be vacated and locked for the evening.