Updated 23 August 2024
The assessment began on 10 September and ended on 1 October 2024. We undertook the assessment as the service had not been inspected since it was registered with us in 2021, and we received some whistleblowing concerns around staffing levels. Staff shared a good, positive culture across the service where people felt safe and protected from the risk of harm and abuse. Staff knew how to recognise and report concerns. People’s risks were managed well by staff who had been recruited in a safe way and had completed required training to meet people’s needs. People’s needs were met, and health and social care professionals were consulted when required to improve outcomes for people. The home was clean, and well maintained and processes were in place to support effective infection control. Staff understood and ensured consent processes were in place. People were empowered and encouraged to be involved in their own care and to make their own decisions based on their individual, needs, preferences and wishes. People had access and the opportunity to a significant number of meaningful activities to take part in, as they desired. The registered manager and staff were passionate about ensuring people received compassionate person-centred care. There had been recent changes in the management team, however, the registered manager and area director were visible across the service and supported staff with their professional development. This helped to ensure people received good, effective high-quality care. There were, however, some minor improvements required with people’s care records and an increase in permanent staff members. As the registered manager was newly in post, the embedding of systems within the home would help ensure the governance of the service.