21/07/2021 and 28/07/2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This service was last inspected in July 2019 and was rated as requires improvement. As this was an unannounced focused inspection, we did not re-rate this location. Therefore, the previous rating remains unchanged.
We focused on specific key lines of enquiry within the safe and well-led domains.
We found:
- Staff did not always recognise or report safeguarding concerns in a timely manner.
- Staff did not always document detailed and contemporaneous care notes.
- Not all patients’ risk assessments or handover notes accurately reflected current presenting risks. Therefore, staff were not fully aware of potential risks to patients and staff and how to manage them.
- Governance processes did not always ensure that managers had total oversight to ensure systems were robust and effective.
- Not all patient information was readily available in a dementia friendly way which included patients’ rights and how to complain about the service.
- Staff had not ensured the “Getting to know me” booklets for patients, a dementia friendly tool to facilitate engagement with a patient, were fully completed. Therefore, the opportunity to capture the essence of each patient was missing.
- The service provided safe care and treatment and the ward environments were safe and clean. The provider’s adherence to COVID-19 infection prevention and control was managed very well.
- Staff minimised the use of restrictive practices.
- During this inspection we observed staff treating patients with care and compassion and knew the patients well.
- Feedback from relatives was mainly positive about the care their relatives received and they felt involved in their relative’s care.