3 September 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
People we spoke with told us they felt they were treated as individuals and felt they were listened to. People we spoke with said they liked living at the home. A person we spoke with said 'The staff are very good they are lovely and are here when needed.' One person confirmed they were happy with the care and support their relative received.
The service had policies and procedures in place in relation to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS). At the time of our visit there was no one using the service who had a DOLS in place. The manager knew how to request an assessment if this was required. People's mental capacity was assessed to help to protect their rights.
Safeguarding policies and procedures were in place for staff to follow. Staff we spoke with told us that they knew what action they must take if they suspected abuse was occurring. A member of staff said 'I have had safeguarding training. I found this helpful. I have never seen anything to worry about." They went on to say "I have a good relationship with the manager and deputy I could talk to them about any issues and action would be taken.
The manager undertook regular audits of the service provided and asked people living at the home for their views. This helped to reduce the risk to people and helped the service to look at ways to improve.
Is the service effective?
People's health and care needs were assessed with them or with their chosen representative. People were encouraged to live the life they chose, even if there were risks attached to this.
Help and advice was gained from relevant health care professionals in regard to the people currently living at the home. People we spoke said their needs were met by the staff. We saw staff listened to people and acted on what they said. This helped to ensure that people's health and wellbeing was being protected.
People's nutritional needs were known and were monitored. Staff monitored and assisted people with their meals. Relevant health care professionals were asked for their help and advice if people continued to lose weight. This helped to protect people's nutritional needs.
Is the service caring?
People were seen to be supported by staff who appeared to be patient and kind. We saw that people were visited by a range of health care professionals to help to maintain people's health and wellbeing. One person we spoke with said 'Staff consider the patient. I get the care I need.' Another person said 'The care staff are all lovely and are here when needed. I am looked after well.'
We saw staff spent time with people, for example we saw staff sitting and talking with people in the lounge. People we spoke during our visit said staff were pleasant and kind. A relative we spoke with told us they had never seen anything which worried them.
People using the service were asked to complete a satisfaction survey. The manager told us that the results of this survey had not been fully reviewed. However, they said that any shortfalls or concerns raised would be addressed.
Is the service responsive?
We saw the manager had an 'open door' policy in place. Residents meetings were held periodically to gain people's views. Any issues raised were acted on.
The manager told us how they would take appropriate action to protect people's wellbeing if safeguarding issues were reported to them.
Staffing levels were monitored and action was taken to ensure that if staff sickness and absence occurred at short notice, the level of service was maintained. Staff worked flexibly as a team to achieve this without residents becoming aware of this.
Is the service well led?
The service worked with other health care professionals to ensure that people could receive the care they needed.
Quality assurance systems were in place. The quality of the service provided was being monitored and was under review to ensure that any shortfalls found could be addressed. The manager of the service worked shifts along side the care staff to observe the care and support that people received. A person we spoke with said 'I am happy with everything here.' Another person said 'Everyone is very friendly, it is a very friendly atmosphere. I am asked if everything is okay for me.'
Friends and Family meetings took place to gain people's views. One person said 'We can go to these. I would speak to the nurse or with the manager or deputy about any issues. The staff are lovely. We couldn't get anywhere better.'
Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities. Staff we spoke with said they were happy working at the home. They said they would not want to work anywhere else. The ethos of the home was to continue to improve all areas of the service over time.