Threeways Nursing Home is located in Seaford with parking on site and nearby on the road. The original building has been extended to the side, there are communal rooms on the ground and first floor; lifts enable people to access all parts of the home, and there are large accessible gardens to the rear.
The home provides support and care for up to 45 people with nursing and personal care needs. There were 38 people living at the home at the time of the inspection. Some people had complex needs and required continual nursing care and support, including end of life care. Others needed support with personal care and assistance moving around the home due to physical frailty or medical conditions, and some were living with dementia.
A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.’
This inspection took place on the 11 and 13 August 2015 and was unannounced.
There were systems in place to manage medicines, but guidelines for some medicines were not clear, which meant medicines may not have been given to people in a safe or consistent way.
People were assessed before they moved into the home to ensure staff could meet their needs, and care plans were developed from this information. However, care plans were not focused on each person’s preferences and choices, and guidance for staff to follow when planning and providing care was limited. Although staff knew and understood people living in the home and were able to plan their care delivery in line with their choices
People felt staff took a long time to answer the calls bells at times, and this had not been identified by the management as an area for improvement. People also felt there were enough staff working in the home and that staff provided the support and care they needed.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. The management and staff had an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, but had not followed current guidance to ensure people were protected.
A safeguarding policy was in place and staff had attended safeguarding training. They had an understanding of recognising risks of abuse to people and how to raise concerns if they had any.
Risk assessments had been completed as part of the care planning process, with guidance for staff to follow to reduce the risk of harm.
Recruitment procedures were in place to ensure only suitable people worked at the home. Staff said they were supported to deliver safe and effective care, and demonstrated they knew people well and enabled people to maintain their independence.
New staff were required to complete an induction programme in line with Skills for Care, and the ongoing training programme supported staff to meet people’s needs. The registered nurses attended fundamental training and additional training to ensure their nursing competencies were up to date.
People told us the food was very good. Staff asked people what they wanted to eat, choices were available for each meal, and people enjoyed the food provided. People told us they decided what they wanted to do, some joined in activities while others chose to sit quietly in their room or communal areas. One person said, “I know there is an activities programme and I could join in if I wanted to, it is up to us really.”
People had access to health professionals as and when they required it. The visits were recorded in the care plans with details of any changes to support provided as guidance for staff to follow when planning care.
A complaints procedure was in place. This was displayed on the notice board near the entrance to the building, and given to people, and relatives, when they moved into the home. People said they did not have anything to complain about, and relatives said they were aware of the procedures and who to complain to, but had not needed to use them.
People, relatives and staff said the management were very approachable, and were involved in decisions about how the service developed with ongoing discussion on a day by day basis and during residents meetings. In addition feedback was sought from people, their relatives and other visitors to the home through satisfaction questionnaires.
The registered manager had quality assurance systems in place to audit the support provided at the home. These included audits of care plans, medicines, menus, accidents and complaints.
We found a number of breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report.