A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer the five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People living in the home told us they felt safe because their rights and dignity were respected and they were involved in making decisions about any risks they may decide to take in their daily lives. One person said, 'Hendra House provides a sense of safety and security that I did not have when living at home, especially at night'.
The registered manager had an effective system to manage accidents and incidents and learn from them so they were less likely to happen again.
The staff and the registered manager understood the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, its main Codes of Practice and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and put them into practice to protect people.
CQC monitors the operation of DoLS which applies to care homes. While no applications have needed to be submitted proper policies and procedures were in place. Relevant staff had been trained to understand when an application should be made and how to submit one. This meant that people living in the home were protected from avoidable harm.
Staff followed effective risk management policies and procedures to protect people. This meant that risks to individuals were managed well so that people were protected and their freedom was supported and respected.
Is the service effective?
People living in the home told us that they could express their views about their health and quality of life. The care records we looked at reflected people's current individual needs, choices and preferences.
Staff we spoke with demonstrated they had the skill and knowledge to meet people's assessed needs. The registered manager described the equipment they had purchased to enable people to be as independent as possible.
People we spoke with said they felt confident discussing their health needs with staff. They said their health was regularly monitored to identify any changes that may require additional support or intervention such as referral to the GP or district nurse. We saw that referrals were quickly made to health services when people's needs changed and relatives were kept informed. A relative had commented through a survey, 'I was informed of all visits made by GPs and nurses and the recommendations by them'. Another said, ' X recovered well, thanks in no small part to the swift action taken by the Hendra staff at the time, calling the Doctor at night and keeping us fully informed and updated at all times we were confident was receiving appropriate, dignified and gentle care day and night'.
We reviewed records that showed staff received effective support, supervision and training. The registered manager had a staff development plan that encouraged staff to promote innovative practice. As a result the provider had won many accolades within the care sector. This meant that people received effective care from staff who had the knowledge and skill necessary to carry out their roles and responsibilities.
Is the service caring?
People living in the home told us that they were treated with kindness and compassion and that their dignity was respected when receiving personal care. We observed as staff went about their work that people were shown kindness and compassion. People explained how their individual needs were met, including needs around age, disability, religion and belief. This meant that caring positive relationships were developed with people living in the home.
Records were stored in the office so information about people was treated in confidence. Staff we spoke with described how they promoted respectful behaviour and positive attitudes. We were shown records that showed staff had been trained in policies and procedures and how to respect people's privacy, dignity and human rights in the home. This meant people's privacy and dignity was respected and promoted.
People and those that mattered to them were encouraged to make their views known about their care and support, and these were respected. For example, one person had commented in a survey, 'The staff give us lots of support and treat us with dignity. The home is so comfortable. Like a five star hotel. Anyone who would like to live in a caring home with caring staff should come here'. Another relative commented, 'My mother was most excellently cared for including the management of her final days. The staff were supportive, friendly and helpful. I was so impressed by the management's strong focus on improvement and training'. This meant people were listened to and felt that they mattered.
Is the service responsive?
People said that they and their family were encouraged to make their views known about their care and support. One person explained how staff made sure that they had the time they needed to make decisions about their life. Care records detailed how people's individual needs were regularly assessed and met.
We viewed records that showed a person's capacity was considered under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. When a person did not have capacity, decisions were always made in their best interests. The way staff interacted with people showed that they actively sought and listened to people's views and decisions. This meant people were supported to express their views and be actively involved in making decisions about their care and support.
Residents attended meetings so that they could put forward their views for activities that were important and relevant to them and they were protected from social isolation. People were very much enabled to maintain relationships with their friends and relatives. Staff we spoke with recognised the risks of social isolation and loneliness with one person and worked hard to balance the risk against this and how they wanted to live their life. This meant that people received personalised care that was responsive to their needs.
Is the service well-led?
Discussion with the registered manager and staff showed there was an emphasis on fairness, support and transparency and an open culture in the home. Staff were supported to question practice through robust supervision arrangements. The registered manager operated a clear set of values that included involvement, compassion, dignity, respect, equality and independence which were understood by all staff we spoke with. This meant that the service promoted a positive culture that was person centred, open, inclusive and empowering.
Robust quality assurance and governance systems were in place and used to drive continuous improvement. There were effective arrangements to continually review health and safety, safeguarding concerns, accidents and incidents, infection control and food hygiene.
The management team had links with organisations that act as sources of best practice. For example the registered manager was working on developing the practice around DoLS in light of recent new guidance. This meant that the registered manager demonstrated good management and leadership.
Staff we spoke with knew and understood what was expected of them. Effective supervision processes were in place for staff to account for their decisions, actions, behaviours and performance. This ensured that responsibility and accountability was understood at all levels. A relative commented in a survey, 'There is a strong focus on training for staff at all levels'. Another person said, 'Managerially the home has continual improvement as its standard ' excellent'.