One inspector carried out this inspection. During the inspection, the inspector focussed on answering five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? As part of this inspection we looked at records for four people who used the service. We spoke with the manager. We spoke with three people who lived in the home. We also spoke with two care staff. We reviewed records relating to the management of the home.
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people who used the service and staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
We found that the provider undertook checks on staff before they commenced employment in the home. This included checks of people's criminal records and identification as well as employment history and references from previous employers. Staff also underwent an induction training programme which included shadowing experienced members of staff and completion of mandatory training. This ensured that staff were safe to work with vulnerable people. Staffing levels were monitored to ensure they remained safe.
Some people that used the service were able to access the community by themselves and there were procedures in place to ensure that people did that safely.
There was a programme of improvement of the environment being undertaken at the time of our inspection. This helped to ensure that the environment was safe for people using the service.
Is the service effective?
People had an individual care plan. We saw that the care plans contained information about people's needs and in some cases people themselves had been involved in the development of these. The care plans we looked at didn't always contain a large amount of information. The risk assessments in the records were sufficient to identify and minimise risks. The service was appropriately assessing risk and providing guidance for staff about to how to manage and minimise these risks.
When we spoke with people who used the service they were very pleased with the support they received from staff. One person told us 'I like it here. The staff are approachable and friendly'. When we spoke with staff they told us that they felt they provided good and effective care.
Is the service caring?
All the staff we spoke with were enthusiastic to provide a caring and effective service. We observed during our visit that staff were patient and caring with people when supporting them.
When we spoke with people who used the service they were very complimentary about the quality of support that was provided by staff. One person told us 'I feel staff are well trained. They listen to me'. The interactions we observed throughout our visit were good. Staff spoke with people in a friendly and clear manner. When people were assisted to move or complete an activity instructions and support were straightforward and appropriate in nature. Staff knew people well and offered care that was calm, clear and friendly.
Is the service responsive?
There were audit systems in place regarding the environment, delivery of care, medication, documentation and people's satisfaction with the service they received. This allowed management to monitor the quality of service. The systems in place for highlighting issues and learning from accidents, incidents, surveys and resident meetings, staff feedback and complaints led to improvements in the service.
We spoke with people who used the service about the ways they were able to feedback and how this information was used. One person told us 'I would speak to the manager and I think they would do something about it'. Another told us 'I know how to complain'.
Is the service well-led?
Many of the staff that worked in the service had done so for some time. There was a low level of sickness and absence and a low level of vacancies within the staff team. The staff we spoke with told us that the manager was approachable and pro-active.
We spent some time with the manager discussing the future of the service and the areas of priority. The manager had clear ideas about how the service could improve and the ways in which this was being actioned at the time of our visit. All the staff that we spoke with felt that the manager was focussed on the service being high quality. One staff member told us 'The managers are always about to support'. Another told us 'The manager acts if anything is raised'.
People who used the service told us that they hadn't seen the directors and weren't familiar with who they were. One of the directors came to carry out audit visits on a regular basis.