About the service: The West Berkshire Adult Placement Scheme is a shared lives service which supports shared lives carers to provide a home for people who are unable to or choose not to live on their own. They live as part of the shared lives carer's family. Shared lives carers are not directly employed by the scheme but are paid a fee which is dependent on the amount and type of support they provide for individuals. People using the service and their shared lives carers enjoy shared activities and life experiences. Frequently, the people who use the service have a learning and/or associated disabilities.The service is provided by the local authority. At the time of the inspection 29 people received long or short
term (respite) care which included the regulated activity (personal care). There were 33 shared lives carers approved to offer support to people who required personal care as part of their need’s assessment. Additionally, the service offered day care and other services which were not regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
People’s experience of using this service:
Risk assessments were reviewed and amended on a regularly basis. Peoples changing needs were identified and appropriate updates implemented.
There was an effective shared lives arrangement matching process in place. This process involved people and shared lives carers getting to know each other at their own pace, before making any long-term commitment to sharing a home.
The quality assurance processes in place were effective in identifying areas for improvement. The service demonstrated how they had acted in response to service improvements.
People were kept safe from risk of harm in the event of an emergency as individual personal emergency plans were correct.
We found that there were numerous activities on offer to people living in shared lives carers homes. People were supported to take part in social and recreational pursuits.
Shared lives carers and officers were trained in protecting people from abuse. They were aware how to report abuse and were knowledgeable regarding safeguarding and identifying the signs of abuse.
Relatives confirmed that they were involved in the development of people's care needs, where appropriate.
All documentation was available in easy read format for people who required this.
The service regularly involved carers and relatives to have an input on the service.
People’s risk assessments linked into their care plans and detailed treatment choices and preferred methods.
Rating at last inspection: Good (Report published December 2016)
Why we inspected:
This was a planned announced inspection based on the rating at the last inspection.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor all information we receive about this service. This informs our ongoing assessment of their risk profile and ensures that we are able to schedule the next inspection accordingly.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk.