About the service: Heaton House is a residential care home accommodating up to 14 people in one adapted building over two floors and was providing personal care to 13 people aged 65 and over at the time of the inspection, some of whom had dementia.People’s experience of using this service:
People benefitted from living in a well organised, forward thinking home where their needs were always put first. The culture of the home was open, and people felt confident to express their views and opinions. The management team championed people’s rights and worked collaboratively with staff and external partners to constantly improve the service and develop links with the local community.
The registered manager promoted intergenerational work which had a dramatic and positive effect on people’s wellbeing. Some people also visited the nursery school to watch the children perform school plays which staff, people and children enjoyed enormously. People were enthusiastic about the regular weekly visits from children at a local nursery school and it was apparent how this interaction enriched peoples and the children’s lives.
We observed people became animated and sparkled during musical activities at the service. There was an extensive activity timetable and the registered manager was always keen to add new items to it, including people’s past hobbies and new aspirations. People had planned activities twice a day to keep them as active as possible both mentally and physically.
The registered manager was extremely responsive to new ideas for enhancing people's wellbeing at the home. Staff assisted people to use technology to keep in touch with relatives, this had given relatives the courage to travel as they were sure they could speak face to face via the internet with their relatives. Message apps were also in use to excellent effect, ensuring family groups were included in the news regardless of time zones.
The registered manager, and staff were extraordinarily passionate about providing excellent care for people. This showed in the cheerful moods of people and staff when we visited.
Staff were well trained and supported and people felt safe in their hands. There was enough staff, so that people received care when they needed it. Staff were efficient and well trained, including in dementia care and safeguarding. Messaging apps, phone and emails were used to alert staff to new training and shift changes which supported the effective running of the service. Staff were clear about their roles and were happy and proud to work at the home. The registered manager led by example and fostered a culture of constant learning, keeping themselves and the team up to date with new ideas in dementia care.
People had their choices respected. People were supported to eat and drink at mealtimes by staff who took time to assist them. Staff accompanied people to healthcare appointments outside of the home and the home had good relationships with local GPs and dental surgeries.
Staff worked in partnership with health professionals and therapists to maximise people's wellbeing and wherever possible, improve their health. People enjoyed a wide range of nutritionally balanced meals and specialist diets and preferences were catered for.
The provider had designed the home with people living with dementia in mind, it was bright with dementia friendly signs and decoration. The home was clean and tidy so that people could move around safely. Rooms were effectively themed, décor used contrasting colours to ensure people could see furniture and floor changes clearly, but also inspired conversation around the room’s main topic, for example the seaside.
People were extremely relaxed and happy around the staff. Staff spoke kindly to people and took time with them in their interactions. Staff spoke to people by their preferred name and took time to talk to them and ensure people were always included and comfortable. Staff spoke to people in ways they understood and calmed distressed people by talking about their lives and history. People living with dementia could not always say what they liked, but staff were able to recognise signs around what people wanted based on their knowledge of the person.
Rating at last inspection: The last rating for this service was Good (published 10 May 2017 ).
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Follow up : We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk