Home Care (Mellor)'s services are aimed at helping the elderly, disabled, people with learning difficulties, terminally ill, families and those convalescing. The office is situated on the outskirts of Blackburn with good rail and bus routes. There is a well equipped office with access for the disabled and car park. The service is available on a 24 hour call out system for emergency assistance. There are facilities for staff to be trained and supervised. On the day of our inspection there were 76 people using the service.At the last inspection this service was rated Good. This was an announced inspection which took place on the 11 and 12 May 2017. We gave the service 48 hours notice of our inspection to make sure people were in the office and arrangements could be made to visit people in their own homes with their consent. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
People who used the service told us they felt safe when being supported by staff members at Homecare (Mellor). Staff had been trained in safeguarding adults and knew their responsibilities to report any concerns. There was also a whistle-blowing policy in place to protect staff who reported poor practice.
Risk assessments such as, moving and handling, nutrition and medication were in place to keep people safe whilst staff members were providing support. These were reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they remained relevant and up to date.
Records showed that robust recruitment processes were followed by the service when employing new members of staff. We saw references and identity checks were carried out as well as Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
Staff were trained in medicines administration and supported people to take their medicines if it was a part of their care package. Spot checks and competency checks were also undertaken by the management to ensure staff remained knowledgeable about medicines administration.
Staff received an induction and were supported when they commenced employment to become competent to work with vulnerable people. Staff were well trained and regularly supervised to feel confident within their roles. Staff were also encouraged to take further training including National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ’s) or Diploma’s. Records we looked at showed and all staff members we spoke with confirmed they received regular supervisions and appraisals.
All the people who used the service had been given a copy of the complaints policy and staff knew how to respond to any complaints they may receive. Records we looked at showed there had not been any concerns or complaints raised since our last inspection.
We observed a good rapport between people who used the service and staff. We saw that staff appeared to know people well and understand their needs. All the people we spoke with were appreciative of the efforts staff made and thought their care was good.
Care plans we looked at were person centred and contained detailed information that was easy for staff to follow to ensure people’s support needs were met. We saw these were reviewed on a regular basis with the person and their relatives (if they wished).
Management conducted audits to ensure the service was performing well and to improve the quality of the service. These were adequately robust to identify any areas of concerns and to make the required improvements.
Policies and procedures were in place to guide staff in their roles. These were accessible to all staff and we saw they had been reviewed on an annual basis to ensure they remained relevant and appropriate.
The office was suitable for providing a domiciliary care service and was staffed during office hours. There was an on call service for people to contact out of normal working hours. All the people we spoke to knew how to contact the office or the on call if they needed to.
All the people we spoke with who used the service, and staff members told us they felt the management team were approachable and supportive.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.