About the service: Access for living provides care and support to people with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder, mental health and physical and sensory impairments in supported living settings and their own homes. At the time of our visit there were 67 people using the service.People's experience of using this service:
People told us they felt safe using the service.
The provider had appropriate risk assessments in place with guidance for staff about how to mitigate risks.
The provider supported people to take their medicines safely.
The provider supported people to maintain a clean and tidy home.
The provider met people's nutritional needs and supported people to make healthy food choices.
People were supported with their physical and mental health needs and care records contained information on these.
People gave positive feedback about their support workers and told us they were kind and caring.
People's choices were respected in relation to their care and support and staff supported people to be as independent as they wanted.
There was not always clear evidence of capacity assessments being carried out where applications had been made to deprive people of their liberty. We have asked the service to make improvements in this area.
People's privacy and dignity was maintained.
People's complex care needs were appropriately met.
People and their family members told us they were involved in the formulation and review of their support plans.
The provider had an appropriate complaints procedure and people told us they would feel comfortable raising a complaint if needed.
The service worked in partnership with other professionals and advocacy groups to achieve good outcomes for people.
Rating at last inspection: At the last comprehensive inspection in October 2016 the service was rated as Good. (Report published 7 November 2016).
Why we inspected: This was a planned comprehensive inspection based on the previous comprehensive inspection rating.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection guidelines. We may inspect sooner if any concerning information is received.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk