Independence Homes Limited - 7 Hall Road is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.Independence Homes Limited - 7 Hall Road accommodates seven people with a learning disability in one adapted building. The service specialises in supporting people with epilepsy. The care service has been developed and designed in line with the values that underpin the Registering the Right Support and other best practice guidance. These values include choice, promotion of independence and inclusion. At the time of this inspection there were six people using the service.
This inspection took place on 24 April 2018. At our last inspection of the service in January 2016 we rated the service ‘good’. At this inspection we found the evidence not only continued to support the rating of good, we also found for the key question ‘is the service effective?’ the service had improved to ‘outstanding’. There was no evidence or information from our inspection and on-going monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns.
Relatives told us the care and support their family members received from the service with their healthcare needs and conditions had led to demonstrable improvements in the quality of their life. People’s care and support was planned and delivered by staff to help them experience the best possible outcomes in relation to their healthcare needs. To support them to do this staff took a holistic approach when planning how people's needs should be met and accessed a wide range of resources to ensure the planning and delivery of care and support adhered to current best practice and evidence based guidance, legislation and standards.
People were supported to access the services they needed to manage their healthcare conditions effectively to help them live healthier lives. Staff used their good links with the health care services involved in people’s lives to ensure people got appropriate support when they needed this. Staff followed the advice and support provided by professionals so that people experienced positive improvements in their health. People were encouraged to eat and drink enough to meet their needs and had meal plans that catered for their specific needs. Staff monitored what people ate and drank and responded quickly to any concerns about this so that people had access to the appropriate support when required. Creative methods were used to support people who were experiencing difficulty in eating which had achieved positive outcomes for people.
Technology and equipment was used to support the delivery of highly effective care and had led to people experiencing positive health related benefits and improvements in their overall wellbeing and quality of life. The provider’s bespoke epilepsy alarm system ensured people received timely support from staff when required.
People were safe living at Independence Homes Limited – 7 Hall Road and staff knew how to safeguard them from the risk of abuse. Staff had access to up to date guidance on how to minimise identified risks to people to keep them safe from injury or harm. Risks posed to people by the premises were in the main appropriately managed. However, the assessment process used to identify environmental risks posed to people was not fully effective as one of the measures identified by the provider to reduce the risk of burns and scalds to people in the premises was not appropriate to this service. The registered manager was already aware this risk assessment needed to be updated and amended and was taking action after this inspection to do this. Notwithstanding this issue the provider had maintained a servicing programme of the premises and the equipment used by staff to ensure those areas of the service covered by these checks did not pose unnecessary risks to people. The premises was clean and clear of slip and trip hazards. Staff followed good practice to ensure risks to people were minimised from poor hygiene and cleanliness when providing personal care, cleaning the premises and when preparing and storing food. Medicines were stored safely and securely and people received them as prescribed.
Staff followed best practice and acted appropriately when managing behaviour that challenged the service. Senior staff closely monitored and reviewed all incidents when this type of support and intervention was used to check this had been appropriate and in line with best practice. The provider had systems in place to review and investigate incidents or safety concerns about people so that appropriate action could be taken to protect people when required. We noted no formal analysis was done of all incidents that occurred at the service to identify any themes or trends relating to the safety of all of the people using the service. The registered manager said they would look again at current systems for reviewing incidents and safety concerns about people.
There were sufficient numbers of staff to keep people safe and the provider maintained recruitment checks to assure themselves of staff's suitability and fitness to support people.
People and their relatives remained involved in planning and making decisions about their care and support needs so that they would continue to receive personalised care and support. We noted that for two people when setting care goals for tasks and activities intended outcomes needed to be clearer and better documented and records needed to be updated to show that decisions made had fully involved the person and was relevant to their personal preferences and choices.
People were also involved in discussions and making decisions about the design and layout of the premises so that this reflected their choices and preferences for what this should look like. People had a choice of spaces to spend time in when at home and were supported to move freely around the premises with no restrictions. People were encouraged to participate in a wide range of personalised and group activities and events to meet their social and physical needs and to build and maintain friendships and relationships with others. They also had access to education opportunities to develop skills and promote their independence.
The provider had clear values and vision for the service focussed on people experiencing good quality care and support. Staff received regular and relevant training to help them to meet people's needs. They kept their skills and knowledge up to date with current best practice in their respective fields. Staff had work objectives which reflected the values and vision of the service. These were monitored and reviewed through supervision meetings and appraisal. Staff were well supported through this process and motivated to perform well to ensure people experienced a good quality of life at the service.
Staff were caring and attentive to people’s needs. Staff knew people well and what was important to them in terms of their day to day support. They knew how to ensure people’s right to privacy and to be treated with dignity was respected. Staff supported people to be as independent as they wished to be. They were warm and welcoming towards people’s relatives when they visited the service.
People were asked for their consent before care was provided and prompted to make choices. Staff were aware of their responsibilities in relation to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and supported people in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People, relatives and staff were asked for their views about how the quality of care and support could be improved. They said senior staff demonstrated good leadership and were approachable, supportive and responsive. Senior staff monitored the quality of care and support provided. They undertook surveys, regular audits and unannounced spot checks of the service and took appropriate action to remedy and shortfalls identified. Some aspects of the spot checks needed to be improved so that these consistently gave senior staff meaningful information about the quality of interactions between people and staff. If people and/or their relatives were unhappy and wished to make a complaint, the provider had arrangements in place to deal with their concerns appropriately.
Records relating to people, staff and to the management of the service were secure, accurate and well maintained. The provider supported the service to continuously improve and worked in partnership with others to develop and improve the delivery of care to people.
The service had a registered manager in post who was aware of their registration responsibilities particularly with regards to submission of statutory notifications about key events that occurred at the service.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.