- Care home
Boughton Lodge Care Home
Report from 19 August 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 2 to 24 September 2024. Boughton Lodge Care Home is a care home registered to provide accommodation, personal care and support to older people. The service can provide care and support to up to 19 people. For this assessment, we looked at all the quality statements in the safe, effective and well led key questions. At the last inspection, the service was rated requires improvement. At that time, we found the provider had failed to assess, monitor and mitigate risks to people, to the environment, infection prevention and with the management of medicines. Safeguarding concerns had not always been reported to the appropriate authorities, equipment had not always been maintained and safe recruitment practices had not always been followed. Governance systems did not always assess, monitor and mitigate the risks. At this assessment we found improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations. For this assessment, the service has received a rating of good for all quality statements assessed. The ratings for the quality statements we did not assess remain unchanged. This means the overall rating for the service has changed to good.
People's experience of this service
We received positive feedback from people who lived at the service, their relatives, and staff. People told us they felt safe living at the service. They were comfortable around staff and felt staff were caring and competent in their roles. People told us there were enough staff available and they knew them well. People also knew the registered manager and staff and felt able to raise any concerns if they needed to. People and relatives were encouraged to give feedback about their experience of the service. People were supported to make choices and decisions, and relatives were involved in their family member’s care as necessary. We saw staff listening to people, offering choice and giving them time to respond. People had access to activities, the local community and contact with people who were important to them.