The inspection took place on 15 October 2015 and was unannounced. There were 27 people who used the service at the time of the inspection.
The last inspection of this service took place in September 2013. At that time the provider was meeting all the regulations inspected.
Wellington House is situated in a residential area of Shipley and provides nursing and personal care to a maximum of 30 people. The home caters for predominantly older people. It is a converted property with bedrooms for single and shared occupancy located on both the ground and first floor. There are communal rooms on both floors. There is a passenger lift.
The home has a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People who used the service told us they felt safe. The staff were trained on how to recognise and report abuse and had a good understanding of their responsibilities to protect people. The management team took concerns seriously and took action to make sure people were protected. There were effective recruitment procedures and this helped to protect people from the risk of being cared for by staff who were not suitable to work in a care setting.
There was not enough storage space for medicines and this led to staff not using individual boxes of one medication but using a “communal/stock" box for everyone who was prescribed this particular medication. We judged this to be a breach of regulation because it was not safe.
There were enough suitably trained and skilled staff to meet people’s needs. Staff were supported to develop their skills and knowledge by means of regular training, one to one supervisions and appraisals.
The home was clean and well maintained which meant people lived in a pleasant and safe environment.
The home was working in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 which meant people’s rights were protected. People were asked for their consent before care and treatment was delivered. People were supported to access the full range of NHS services to help make sure their healthcare needs were met.
People were offered a varied and nutritious range of food which reflected their preferences. When people were at risk of poor nutrition this was identified and appropriate action was taken to deal with the risk. The home did not have a dedicated dining room which meant people could miss out on the opportunity to experience some of the social aspects of meal times. The registered manager told us there were dining tables in the conservatory and main lounge and people were given the opportunity to dine at these tables if they wished to.
People’s needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered to meet their individual needs and preferences. People were involved in how their care was delivered, they were supported to express their views and their views were respected and acted on. People were supported to plan for their future care to help make sure they and their relatives received the right care and support at the end of life.
People were supported to maintain relationships with family and friends, for example by inviting them to have a meal with them at the home. People told us the staff were caring and compassionate and during the day we observed staff were kind and caring in their interactions with people. The atmosphere was relaxed and we heard staff engaging in friendly banter with people who used the service and their relatives. People were offered the opportunity to take part in a varied programme of social activities.
Any concerns people had were taken seriously and acted on and this meant they did not often find it necessary to make a formal complaint.
There were processes in place to monitor and assess the quality of the services provided and it was evident action was taken to address any shortfalls identified. People who used the service, their family and friends and staff were supported to share their views of the service by way of quality assurance surveys and meetings. The management team had a visible presence in the home and there was a culture of openness and transparency. The provider had a service improvement plan and was continually looking at how they could improve the service for the benefit of the people who lived there and others.
We identified one breach of regulation in relation to the safe management of medicines. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.