This inspection was unannounced and took place on 5 and 6 October 2015.
The last inspection of the home was carried out on 13 May 2014. No concerns were identified with the care being provided to people at that inspection.
There is a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us they felt safe at the home and with the staff who supported them. “They are very understanding here. I have no doubts or fears. If I need help I ring the bell and they come promptly.”
People were supported by sufficient numbers of staff to meet their needs in a relaxed and unhurried manner. People said there were enough staff day and night and they had never felt neglected.
Care plans contained risks assessments which outlined measures in place to enable people to take part in activities with minimum risk to themselves and others. People who were sufficiently mobile were encouraged to go to the park, walk along the sea front and go out with their friends and families. People received effective care and support from staff who had the skills and knowledge to meet their needs. People’s medicines were administered by senior care staff who had received appropriate training.
Some people gained strength and improved in health and mobility in the home. One person said “I was in a low state when I came here. It took me a long time to settle, to get going. One of the carers really took me in hand. I have done things here I haven’t done for years. Life has never been better.”
At lunch time we saw that people were able to choose where they ate their meal. There was a choice of three meals each lunch time. People said if they didn’t like the choices offered “something else” would be found. They said this was never a problem.
People said they were supported by kind and caring staff. All comments about staff were very positive. One person said “I have been here for two years. It is very nice. I am contented and comfortable. Staff are most pleasant, helpful and caring. I have no complaints what so ever. Day after day they come in with a smile on their faces.”
People received care that was responsive to their needs and personalised to their wishes and preferences. People were able to make choices about all aspects of their day to day lives. One person told us they found “no restrictions on any aspect of their daily life.” They said “I am an early riser. Always have been. They come to me at 7am for my bath. I am having breakfast at 7:30. I like a poached egg for my breakfast. Sometimes I go out with friends. The staff help to get me ready in plenty of time.”
Staff demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the people who lived at the home which enabled them to personalise their approach to each person. Staff were able to tell us about how different people liked to be supported. One member of staff said “Everyone is different we have to adapt to each person.” People said they thought the staff knew them well and provided care that was appropriate to them.
People, staff and visitors felt the service was well led by an open and approachable manager. The registered manager was always ready to listen and was continually looking at ways to make improvements to the home and the care provided. Staff said they felt well supported and had a clear idea of what was expected from them.
There were effective quality assurance systems in place to monitor care and plan ongoing improvements. There were audits and checks in place to monitor safety and quality of care. We saw that where any shortfalls in the service had been identified action had been taken to remedy the situation. The manager was committed to continually improving the service and tailoring the service to meet people’s needs and wishes.