The inspection took place on 10 and 11 May 2017 and was unannounced on the first day but the manager knew we were coming back on the second day. The last inspection to this service was on the 1 October 2014 and the service was rated as good with no breaches. The registered manager at the time has since left and now provides some administrative support to the current manager. The service is registered to provide residential accommodation for up to eighteen people with a recognised mental health need. The service is not fully occupied and had ten people using the service when we visited with one person in hospital.
There is a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
The service was fully staffed and had the number of staff it said it needed. The staff employed were observed to be extremely caring and compassionate and worked hard to enhance the lives of people they were supporting. They gave up their free time to support people socially. We found there were insufficient staff to meet people’s needs. Staffing levels had remained static for years despite an increase in people’s needs. Staffing levels did not enable people to go out when they wanted when they needed support to do so. Most people did require support to go out because of the remote location of the service. The manager was on shift supporting staff and trying to oversee the overall management of the service and associated upkeep of records and auditing. They did not have a deputy to delegate things to. Care staff were providing care and support as well as doing domestic duties and cooking. This impacted on their ability to take people out according to their expressed needs and wishes.
People received their medicines as intended by staff who were suitably trained to administer medicines but staff would benefit from more specific guidance about the use and when to administer medicines as required. Medication profiles would also help to ensure staff received their medicines according to their preferences.
Risks to people’s safety were mitigated as far as possible because staff were knowledgeable about people’s needs and sought advice when needed. There were individual and generic risk assessments in place. Equipment was regularly checked to ensure it was safe to use. The environment was restrictive for people with physical disabilities due to steep stairs and internal steps.
Staff recruitment was adequate but there were no audits on staff files and there was no evidence of how the interview process was used to determine that staff had the right skills and attributes for the job. Staff felt well supported by the manager who was very knowledgeable and understanding. However formal mechanisms of support were limited. Staff had supervision but they were not regular and staff did not have annual appraisals. Staff training and induction was good when first employed but there was limited evidence of opportunities for continued training and sharing positive practice. Most staff had higher qualifications and, or a care certificate.
People were encouraged to be involved in decision about their care. Everyone was deemed to have capacity. Staff were aware of the requirements of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. When implemented correctly it ensures that, where people lack capacity to make decisions for themselves, decisions are made in their best interests according to a structured process.
Staff understood what constituted abuse and how they should respond to any allegations of abuse. However there had been a failure to notify CQC of different events affecting the well-being of people using the service and there was no provider oversight of this.
People were inadequately supported with their dietary needs. Staff involved people in menu planning and staff prepared meals with limited involvement from people. However we were concerned that although staff monitored people’s weights and referred any concerns to the doctor there was little evidence that staff supported people to achieve sensible weight loss or promote healthy eating. A number of people had serious medical conditions and their records did not show us how staff were helping people in trying to mitigate the risks. There was also little information about promoting positive mental health and minimising people’s anxiety. It was clear through our observations that staff were very attentive to people’s needs and told us about things people had achieved but this was not reflected in people’s care plans.
Staff were proactive in taking people to the GP and accessing other health care services. This helped ensure their health care needs were met.
Staff were supporting people to manage their own personal care and to contribute to the upkeep of the household. However no one was currently taking their own medicines and we could not see goals to help people become more self -sufficient. There was limited opportunity and social engagement for people outside the service.
Care plans documented people’s needs and were based on an assessment of people’s needs. Care plans were reviewed but did not record progress against goals. They also did not show clear actions in regards to incidents, change or unmet need and therefore were not sufficiently comprehensive.
There had been no complaints about the service and staff regularly asked people about how they were. There was limited family support so people relied on staff and, or advocates. The provider did not have an overarching quality assurance system and did not regularly seek people’s views about the service. The manager did hold three monthly resident meetings and asked them to complete surveys annually about how they rated the service. Surveys were not used to gauge staff and professional opinion and we could not see how feedback was used to improve the service. People we spoke with were happy with all aspects of their care and did not raise any concerns.
There were no formal audits of quality and standard of care being provided in line with the services business plan and statement of purpose. We could not see how the provider was monitoring its own service to ensure people’s needs were being met.
We found some breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008(Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 in some regulations. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report