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  • Care home

Southview Lodge Residential Care Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6SQ (01772) 812566

Provided and run by:
Bideaway Homes (2) Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 7 October 2024

Date of assessment 10 Oct to 17 Oct 2024. The service is a residential care home, supporting up to 30 older adults. We identified 3 breaches of legal regulation relating to safety, recruitment and governance. Incidents had not been acted upon or shared appropriately, and safeguarding processes were not effective. People’s care plans were not always updated to ensure staff had access to accurate information about risk to people. Health and safety and recruitment processes still did not adhere to best practice guidance or the provider’s own policies. Some medicines management systems continued to be ineffective. Governance systems still did not effectively assess, monitor or improve safety or quality of care. However, the service had made improvements to mental capacity assessments and were no longer in breach of this regulation. Staff understood people’s needs and delivered care in line with current guidance. The service effectively shared information with staff and ensured people were supported with their health. People were treated with kindness and supported to have choice and control over their daily lives. Relatives were able to visit, and people had access to events and activities. Staff responded to requests for help quickly. The service valued staff and proactively supported their well-being. People received person-centred care, and reasonable adjustments helped support their needs. The service provided information to people in a way they could understand, and people were able to give feedback. The service was accessible and took action to address discrimination. People were supported to plan for the future. Staff understood the service’s visions and values and felt well supported by leaders. Staff were treated fairly, and policies supported equality. The service worked collaboratively with staff and partners, and there was a clear focus on continuous learning and improvement. We asked the provider for an action plan in response to concerns found.

People's experience of the service

Updated 7 October 2024

People and relatives were very positive about the quality of their care. A relative said, “Overall, the service is really good. If I had to go to a care home, it would be this one.” Another added, “I can’t praise them highly enough, they are good at what they do.” People were supported to understand their individual risks and there were enough staff to help them stay safe. A relative said, “I think there is enough staff, it’s never been a problem.” We received mixed feedback about people’s and relative’s involvement in care plan reviews, but staff knew people well and understood their needs. A relative said, “Staff know [person’s] intricacies.” We received positive feedback about the food and were told people had enough to eat and drink, to help prevent malnutrition and dehydration. We were given examples of people’s health and well-being improving due to good care. People and relatives spoke positively about staff, confirming people were treated with kindness and staff respected their privacy. A relative said, “ Staff are kind and take a relaxed approach.” We received examples of how people were treated as individuals and supported to be independent. When asked if staff responded to requests for help, a relative told us, “I’ve seen people use a buzzer and they always get the attention they need.” We observed person-centred interactions between people and staff, and staff offering support to meet people’s individual needs and preferences. When asked if people were supported to give feedback or share ideas, a relative said, “The service spoke to people about what activities they would like, and [person] was at the forefront. The activities coordinator bought new games and drew up an activities schedule.” People and relatives told us they felt the service was well managed and were supported by senior staff and leaders. While people we spoke with expressed they were happy with their care, our assessment found elements of safety did not meet the expected standards.