21 November 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This inspection was unannounced and took place on 21 November 2014. At the last inspection of the home on 12 December 2013 no concerns were identified.
Burnham Lodge Nursing Home provides nursing care and accommodation for up to 23 people. The home specialises in the care of older people. There were 18 people living in the home at the time of our visit.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
During the inspection there was a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere in the home. People chatted easily with staff and there was friendly banter with one person. They told us they always enjoyed laughing and joking with staff. People said they were happy living in Burnham Lodge Nursing Home and found staff were always caring and compassionate. One visitor, said, “They are always cheerful and welcoming.”
The registered manager’s vision for the home was to ensure all people received care and support in a dignified and respectful manner, this could be seen throughout the visit. Staff all demonstrated their awareness of the registered manager’s vision and could tell us how they helped people to maintain their independence and choice as best as they could. One staff, member said as the dignity champion they had looked at ways of reducing embarrassment for people when they needed to use the hoist in a public area such as the lounge. Another staff member told us, “We discuss the importance of respect and dignity at meetings and supervision and it is written in their care plans as well. It is their home and they should be able to live how they want.”
All care staff had received training in identifying and reporting abuse. All staff spoken with were able to explain to us the signs of abuse and how they would report any concerns they had. They all stated they were confident any concerns bought to the registered manager would be dealt with appropriately. People told us they felt safe in the home and they all knew who to talk to if they wanted to raise a concern or complaint. The registered manager explained they had a system where staff could talk through any concerns they may have so any issues could be dealt with promptly.
People said they felt safe living at the home and with the staff who supported them. One person said, “They are all very kind I have never heard a cross word. A visitor said, “Mum is so relaxed here I am sure she feels really safe.” There was a robust recruitment procedure in place which minimised the risks of abuse to people.
People’s health care needs were fully assessed and care and support was provided on an individual basis. One staff member told us, “The care plans have plenty of information and we review them regularly with the person. But the important thing is to talk to them as they may want something different that day.” This meant people’s individual changing needs were considered and catered for in consultation with them or a family member if necessary. Care plans and care practices were monitored to ensure people’s preferences were being followed and improvements were made when needed.
People had access to healthcare professionals such as the GP, district nurse, Chiropodist and dentist. Staff supported people to attend appointments with specialist healthcare professionals in hospitals and clinics. Staff made sure when there were changes to people’s physical well- being, such as changes in weight or mobility, effective measures were put in place to address any issues.
Everybody spoken with told us they enjoyed the food, they all said the food was excellent. People were offered choices and the food was nutritious and well presented. People who needed assistance with eating were supported in a dignified unhurried manner. Some people chose to eat in their room, one person said, “the tray is laid nicely and the food is always warm enough.”
There was an activities programme in place and people told us there was plenty to do. The activities person had introduced exercises and had supported people in doing their Christmas shopping and writing to relatives. A visitor said, “The activities have improved and they are arranging more for people to do, I have discussed introducing knitting and the manager has put it into the programme.” People were supported to maintain links with the local community; the registered manager had links with local groups and the school.
There were systems in place to monitor the care provided and people’s experiences. A regular survey was carried out asking people, their relatives and healthcare professionals about the service provided by the home. Suggestions for change were listened to and actions taken to improve the service provided. All incidents and accidents were monitored, trends identified and learning shared with staff to put into practice.
Records were in place to ensure people’s wishes and preferences during their final days and following death were respected. The home had achieved the National Gold Standard Framework in August 2013. This is a comprehensive quality assurance system which enables care homes to provide quality care to people nearing the end of their life. Reaccreditation for this award is carried out every four years.