Outcome 1During the course of the visit we spoke with the registered manager, a recently recruited qualified member of staff, the activity coordinator and four relatives of people living at the home. We also spent a period of time observing staff and residents in a communal area of the home and talking with a small number of people living at the home. However the conversation with residents was somewhat limited because of mental incapacity.
Without exception, people spoke very positively about Aughton Grange and the care and support provided. One relative told us, 'The atmosphere feels like a friendly home not an institution. The staff care for them so well. The staff are very approachable, understanding; discrete and caring, staff always come and talk with me. ****** has thrown a lot at them and they have managed things very well. Everything is excellent'
OUTCOME 2 Consent to care and treatment:
We received no comments about this outcome area from people who use the service however relatives spoken with confirmed that they were fully informed about the individual personal plans which were regularly viewed and discussed. One relative told us, 'I am involved in the care plan which I often see and reviews of the care plan. The staff keep me fully involved.'
Outcome 4
We also spoke with a small number of people living in the home in a lounge area; however discussion with these people was limited because of mental impairment. Relatives spoken with all spoke very highly of the care and support provided at Aughton Grange and the qualities of the staff team.
OUTCOME 5: Meeting Nutritional Needs
What people who use the service experienced and told us:
Although discussion was limited, one person spoken with told us that he liked the meals served. A relative explained that she had worked with the home following her father's weight loss, to devise a menu that was acceptable and enjoyable for the individual and also acceptable to his relatives. This same person said, 'We are very satisfied with the level of personalised care provided here'.
Outcome 7: Safeguarding people who use services from abuse.
What people who use the service experienced and told us.
We received no comments from people who use the service about this outcome. However a relative told us, 'We sleep at night, they look after her superbly, we walk in and mum's body language tells us she is happy'.
OUTCOME 8: Cleanliness and infection control.
What people who use the service experienced and told us:
We received no comments from people living at the home about this outcome area. A relative spoken with said that the home was always kept clean and tidy and that her father's bedroom was comfortable.
What people who use the service experienced and told us.
Two recently appointed members of staff confirmed that a thorough recruitment process had taken place prior to them being offered employment at the home. Relatives spoken with all spoke very highly of the staff team with one person saying, 'I honestly think that they deserve footballer's wages, I have a lot of respect for them'. Another person told us, 'They have a long standing staff group that have empathy with residents'. A third person said, 'Every single member of staff is superb, they treat people with dignity and respect, it's like coming into her home'. (Mother).
OUTCOME 13: Staffing
What people who use the service experienced and told us:
We received no comments from people who use the service about this outcome. A member of staff spoken with individually stated that sufficient staffing levels were always maintained during the 24 hour period to address the assessed needs of the people living at Aughton Grange.
OUTCOME 14: Supporting workers.
What people who use the service experienced and told us.
We received no comments from people who use the service about this outcome area. However staff spoke positively about the training provided.
OUTCOME 16: Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
What people who use the service experienced and told us.
We received no comments from people who use the service about this outcome area. Relatives spoken with confirmed that they were encouraged to voice their opinions and suggestions for improvement.
OUTCOME 17: Complaints.
What people who use the service experienced and told us:
We received no comments from people who use the service about this outcome area. The relatives spoken with stated that there was good communication with the staff team and that any concern was immediately addressed.