We spoke with the home manager, the deputy manager, the administrator, five members of care staff including two senior care workers. We also spoke with five people who lived in the service and one of their relatives. We looked at people's care plans, personnel files, the service's policies and procedures. We also checked how records relevant to the service were maintained, stored and disposed of. We found that people were provided with a clear statement relevant to the fees, terms and conditions prior to the start of the service. People were given time to consider whether they wished to proceed with their residency, care, treatment and support. One relative of a person who lived in Weald Hall told us, "The agreement of residency and the fees were clear from the beginning".
We looked at ten sets of records for people who used the service and observed that comprehensive care plans and risk assessments reflected people's needs and that care and treatment were delivered promptly and appropriately. People were appropriately referred to healthcare professionals when needed. People participated in a wide range of activities. A person who used the service told us, "I am never bored, there is plenty to do if I want to join". A relative told us, "We had a look at other homes and found this one had a homely cosy atmosphere with attentive staff and activities, it felt right".
We found that the staff were trained and knowledgeable in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. A member of staff told us, "I remember the training and I would not hesitate to contact our manager or social services if I suspected any abuse was taking place".
We found that some of people's files were incomplete due to missed recordings and updates. We found that some records could not be located promptly by staff due to an overload of documents which was contained in broken folders. We therefore found the provider non-compliant with Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and asked for this to be remedied.