People told us they made choices as part of their daily lives and staff respected their wishes. A relative told us they were involved and were kept well informed.On the day of our inspection, we observed staff offering choices to people. Staff interacted well with the people who live in the home. We observed that staff were kind and respectful.
People told us they were happy with the care and support they received at the home. Their comments included "I'm well cared for'; I'm very happy here"; and "all of my needs are met".
One person told us about when they moved into the home. They had their needs assessed by a healthcare professional. Further to this, they were provided with some specialist equipment that met their needs and helped minimise their risk of injury.
People told us they enjoyed taking part in the activities. On the day of our visit, people had booked appointments with the hairdresser. People told us they enjoyed being pampered. The notice board gave information of forthcoming activities including bingo, musical entertainment, minibus trips, films, games and quizzes. The manager had arranged for holy communion to take place, for those who wished to attend. Two people told us that they often arranged for a taxi to take them to the local shops.
On the day of our inspection, people told us they had enjoyed their meal. The food was well presented, tasted nice and smelt appetising. One person told us they enjoyed having their breakfast in bed.
People we spoke to told us they felt safe at the home and that they would feel able to speak to the manager or staff if they were unhappy about something. One person told us 'I have no complaints about anything'. They felt confident that the staff would deal with any matters to their satisfaction.
People we spoke with us told us the staff were very good. People's comments included 'the staff are all very nice'; 'they're very good' and 'staff are very kind'.
One person told us 'I rang my call bell last night. The staff member attended very quickly'. Another person said 'if you press the call bell, staff are alert and respond'. Two people told us that staff were sometimes very busy. During our inspection, we observed that staff were available when people needed them.
People who live in the home and the staff told us that the manager was approachable. People told us that their comments were listened to and acted upon. Staff told us that they were able to make suggestions at staff meetings, and as a result improvements had been made.