4 July 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with told us they received good care from the service's care workers. One person told us "They always ask me if I need anything else before they go and check that I'm ok." People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.
We found people's health, safety and welfare was protected when more than one provider was involved in their care and treatment, or when they moved between different services.
At the last inspection on 13 February 2013 we found there was no documentary evidence to show that effective recruitment procedures were in place in order to ensure that staff had valid right to work documentation. During this inspection we found the service had appropriate arrangements in place to check and monitor that care workers had valid right to work documentation for the United Kingdom.
Most people we spoke with could recall being contacted by the agency to provide feedback about the service by phone calls from managers, visits and questionnaires.