27 November 2017
During a routine inspection
Hilltop accommodates up to seven people with severe autism. They are non verbal and need high levels of support. They live in a two storey house. There were seven people using the service at the time of this inspection.
At the last inspection in September 2015 the service was rated Good.
At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
Why the service is rated Good:
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives. A high emphasis was put on using technology to help people’s understanding and reduce people’s anxieties. This widened their opportunities and helped to promote their health because they had been able to access health care which was previously too stressful for them. The service worked closely with health and social care professionals toward achieving good outcomes for people. The provider organisation also ensured experts in the field of autism were available as a staff resource.
People’s safety was maintained through adequate staffing levels, which included the use of agency staff, recruitment practice, safe medicines management, premises and adequate infection control. Individual risks were understood and innovative methods used to reduce risk with as little negative effect on the person as possible.
Staff promoted people’s dignity and privacy because they were able to pre-empt situations where this might be compromised. Through listening to people’s views, using person specific communication methods and a strong staff commitment to the people in their care, the service was centred on each individual. Care plans were very detailed and reviewed with the person, staff who support the person, external professionals and family members. Staff had the time and resources to identify best practise and use this to people’s benefit.
The premises was maintained in a safe way and people had a variety of spaces available for their use.
Staff induction and on-going training ensured staff were effective in their role. Staff received a high level of support and regular supervision of their work. Staff were very happy with the level of training they received.
People’s legal rights were understood and upheld. People were safeguarded from abuse and harm.
The service was well-led through the example of the registered manager who ran a well organised service. People’s views were sought and every opportunity taken to improve the service. Audits and checks were carried out in-house and through the provider so any problem could be identified and rectified.
The registered manager understood and met their legal responsibilities.