This inspection took place on 26 April and 03 May 2016 and was unannounced.The inspection was carried out by one inspector. Greenhill Grange provides care and support for up to 25 older people. Accommodation is provided in a large bungalow with two lounges and dining area.
On the day of our inspection 21 people were using the service. There was a registered manger in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
There were good arrangements for the administering and management of medicines. However improvements were needed in the administering of “As required” medicines.
People said they felt safe living in the home because staff were “Kind and gentle” and “Treat us respectfully and with kindness.” Staff understood their responsibilities about reporting any concerns about possible abuse.
There was consistent numbers of staff on duty. People told us care staff responded promptly to requests for assistance. One person told us “I only have to ring my buzzer and they come to help they are very good.”
The service protected people right’s by seeking consent for care and use of certain equipment.
People told us they felt confident about staff having the necessary skills and training. One person said “I trust the staff they certainly seem to know what they are doing I think they are well trained.”
People had access to community health services and their GPs when this was requested. Healthcare professionals we spoke with were positive about the care provided by the service. One said, “They are very proactive. I would be happy for my mum and dad to live here.”
People spoke positively about the quality of meals provided by the service. However, people were not always aware of daily meals so they could ask for an alternative.
People spoke warmly of staff and described them as caring and kind. One person said, “I am always treated in a caring and respectful way.” A relative described staff as “caring and professional at all times.”
Staff had an understanding of people as individuals, their likes and dislikes. A relative told us “They really seem to know [name] what she wants and likes.”
People were involved in their care arrangements and had yearly reviews so care plans accurately reflected their care needs.
There was a welcoming environment where people were able to maintain their relationships with family and friends. One relative commented, “It is like home from home and we are always made to feel welcome.”
People were able to voice their views about the quality of care in a number of ways: residents meetings, questionnaires and making a complaint. One person told us “I can always talk to the manager about anything. They always listen to what I say and things do happen which is so good.”
There was an environment where the registered manager promoted a culture of openness.
There were audits in place to monitor the quality of the service and improvements had been made where these had been identified.
We have made recommendations about the service seeking guidance about monitoring and auditing infection control and the use of “as required” medicines in the home.