Our current view of the service
8 December 2023
St Mary’s House provides personal care and support to people within a residential setting in Brighton. The service was providing support to 7 older people. We carried out our on-site assessment on 13 December 2023, assessment activity started on 12 December 2023 and ended on 15 December 2023. We looked at 5 quality statements; Safeguarding; Involving people to manage risks; Safe and effective staffing; Independence, choice and control and Equity in experiences and outcomes.
People told us they felt safe and were included in planning their care and managing risks.
Staff had received training and demonstrated a good understanding of their responsibilities to safeguard people and support them to manage risks. Staff told us they were well supported in their roles and there were enough staff to care for people safely.
People described being supported by kind and caring staff who knew them well and understood their needs and preferences. Staff supported people to remain as independent as possible.
Staff were consistent in involving people in planning and reviewing their care and support. Care plans reflected people’s involvement, and staff took account of their wishes and respected their choices.
The provider’s systems were effective in supporting people’s diverse needs and protecting their rights.
People's experience of the service
8 December 2023
People and their relatives were consistently positive about the staff and the care they were receiving. One person said, “I have been as happy here as I have ever been in my life.” Another person told us, “I think it is lovely.”
People told us they felt safe and there were enough staff. We observed people did not have to wait for care to be provided. One person said, "They come when I press my buzzer.” Another person said, “There have always been enough staff.” People and their relatives had confidence in the skills of the staff. One person told us, “I think they (staff) are trained well.” A relative told us, "They are very well trained, all of them.”
People described being included in developing care plans to manage risks and support them to do the things that mattered to them. One person said, “I have fallen here, they have made changes when I have fallen. I got my wheely walker, I have been much better with it since.” Another person described being in control of their care and making decisions about their health needs. They told us, “I tell them (what I want to happen) and they respond as appropriate.”
People told us staff supported them to be as independent as possible. One person said, “I couldn't do much when I first came here, I wanted to do more and they let me.” Other comments included, “I make all my decisions, daily,” and, “My care plan has been discussed with me, I make changes.”
People told us they were comfortable to raise any issues with staff or the registered manager. People described how their views were consistently sought and valued. One person said they were encouraged to provide feedback individually and in meetings. They said, “I always go the resident’s meetings all the time, we all do, everyone attends.” People described a personalised approach to their care and support. One person said, “They (staff) know me and my likes and dislikes.” Another person told us, “They know all of our individual personalities, it’s a good thing. "