30 September 2019
During a routine inspection
Glebe House is a care home that provides personal and nursing care for up to 53 people. The service is provided in accommodation over three floors. At the time of the inspection, 44 people were living at the home.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
Those people who used the service expressed unreserved satisfaction and spoke highly of all staff and services provided. Comments included, “Your compassion, dedication and patience is immeasurable”, “It’s a special place, full of special people”, “Thank you for the outstanding care you provide” and “Glebe House is of outstanding quality led by exceptional management. On arrival, the peaceful ambience of the entire home is apparent. My husband receives the kindest care and attention”.
People and their relatives agreed the service was safe. Comments included, “Dad is very happy here and I feel he is safe and well supported” and “They treat us very well here, I do feel safe”. The registered manager and staff understood their role and responsibilities to keep people safe from harm. Risks were assessed and plans put in place to keep people safe. There was enough staff to safely provide care and support to people. Checks were carried out on staff before they started work to assess their suitability to support vulnerable people. Medicines were well managed and people received their medicines as prescribed. People were protected by the homes infection control policy and procedures.
The service provided an effective service. Innovative and creative ways to train and develop their staff was based on research and best practice guidelines to enhance quality and safety of the service provision. People continued to receive a nutritious, healthy diet. The home was decorated and maintained to a very high standard whilst maintaining a homely feel. People were consulted about the adaptation and design of their home and choice and preferences were respected. There were various areas to enjoy activity, events and personal private time. The service had been creative in developing areas of the home that would enhance people’s wellbeing.
The service was exceptionally caring and put people at the heart of everything they did. We were introduced to people throughout our visit and they welcomed us. They were relaxed, comfortable and confident in their home. Staff had a good awareness of individuals' needs and treated people in a warm and respectful manner. They were knowledgeable about people's lives before they started using the service. Every effort was made to enhance this knowledge so that people’s life experiences remained meaningful. One relative recently wrote to the registered manager and said, “Please pass on our thanks to all the staff who work so hard to make mums life so full, safe and especially happy. I feel privileged to be part of the extended family”.
The service was exceptionally responsive to people’s health and social needs. People received person centred care and support. Regular monitoring and reviews meant that referrals had been made to appropriate health and social care professionals. Where necessary care and support had been changed to accurately reflect people's needs and improve their health and wellbeing. People were offered a range of activities both at the service and in the local community. People were encouraged to make their views known and the service responded by making changes.
People benefitted from a service that was very well led. The whole staff team had been incredibly proud when they received their outstanding CQC rating in January 2017. The provider, registered manager, deputy and staff team maintained a clear focus on continually seeking to improve the service people received. Everyone demonstrated strong values and, a desire to learn about and implement best practice throughout the service. Good quality assurance systems were in place and based upon regular, scheduled audits, which identified any action required to make improvements. This meant the quality of service people received was monitored on a regular basis and, where shortfalls were identified they were acted upon.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection
The last rating for this service was Outstanding (published February 2017).
Why we inspected
This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.