We spoke with many of the people who used the service and a visiting health professional. Everyone spoke positively about the care they received.We observed staff providing care and support to people throughout the inspection. There was a calm, friendly atmosphere around the home and people were seen to respond positively to the staff throughout.
People described how their care and welfare needs were met. One person said 'They are good at getting the doctor in quickly if I'm not well.' The visiting health care professional said 'They (the staff) report any issues to us immediately. The manual handling is great. It's one of the best home's we visit. There is a lovely, homely, family atmosphere.'
We saw people were fully involved in decisions about their care. One person told us 'I get the chance to say what I think. I go to my review meetings.'
People's nutritional needs were met. Comments from people included; 'We get good meals. I like everything' and 'The food is nice here'.
We found the building had not been well maintained which could place staff and people living at the home at risk. We also found all checks had not been carried out before staff started working in the home which could also place vulnerable people at risk.
We saw the provider had a system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service people received. We also found people's personal care records were accurate and up-to-date.