31 January and 1 February 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
One person did tell us, 'I feel safe here.' Another person told us,' I like college.'
When we asked people if they were well and were they happy they would smile at us. One person used some signing when communicating with us, they made the signs for 'Drink' and 'Bedroom' and smiled.
We spoke with three relatives and they each told us they had no concerns about the care of their family member. One relative told us he was 'very impressed indeed' with Lucy Glyn and that it was 'much better' than the place name had come from. They said, 'They listen to families and give excellent feedback.'
Another relative described care at Lucy Glyn as 'fine' and 'excellent'. They added, 'They really seem to know and understand name.' Another relative told us, 'Lucy Glyn gives really good care because they know name and their complicated needs, very well indeed.' They also told us, 'I don't always agree with what Lucy Glyn staff may say, but they listen and there is always an agreed conclusion.'
No relative said they had witnessed, or had any concerns over safety or abuse and all mentioned attending reviews and being kept fully updated about their family member's care.