We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because some of the people using the service had complex needs which meant that not everyone was able to tell us their experiences. We were able to speak with two people who were using the service. One person said they were about to go out with a member of staff and told us what they were going to do. Another person told us about what they were having for lunch and we saw this person being supported by a member of staff to make their meal.
We found that that the home ensured that people's dignity and respect were upheld.
The people who used the service had a personal care plan. We looked at two of these care plans and spoke with the manager and two staff about them. We found some improvement to care plan and risk assessment updates was needed. The service had failed to adhere to guidelines provided by a speech and language therapist intended to keep a person safe from the risk of unnecessary harm when eating and drinking.
People chose their menus at the house meetings. Staff created the menu with choices displayed as words and pictures to help people understand and remember what had been chosen each day. People could have something different if they changed their mind.
The service had detailed guidance for staff about deprivation of liberty safeguards and best interest decision making.