13 February 2014
During a routine inspection
People who used the service had been assessed and their care needs were noted. Appropriate risk assessments had been prepared. Care plans had been prepared with the involvement of people who used the service or their representatives. Care staff were able to meet the needs of people who used the service. The care provided was closely monitored by the registered manager.
The agency had an appropriate recruitment procedure and policy. There was evidence that staff had been carefully recruited. The recruitment records contained references, criminal records disclosures, evidence of identity and other essential documentation.
The agency had a policy and procedure for safeguarding adults. Care staff could provide examples of what constituted abuse and knew how to respond to allegations or incidents of abuse.
Arrangements were in place to ensure that the care provided was of a good quality. Satisfaction surveys, monitoring reviews and spot checks had been carried out by the manager. This was confirmed by relatives and the person who used the service.