People told us that they were happy living in Mandalay. They felt they were involved with their care planning and making daily decisions. There were planned activities in the home to make sure people had the opportunity to join in social events. People said that their health care needs were looked after well and they received their medicines on time. There are minor concerns in how people have been involved in their care planning and some plans lacked full details of the care to be provided. These concerns had already been identified by the provider and action plans were in place to address these issues.People liked the food, had lots of choice and were receiving a healthy balanced diet. People told us they felt safe and comfortable living at Mandalay. They said the home was well maintained with suitable equipment to support their independence. They told us how much they enjoyed the garden in the summer, going to local clubs and visits in the local community.
There was not always sufficient staff on duty to make sure that people's health and welfare needs were being fully met. People were receiving care from trained staff.
People felt that their opinions were listened to and there were systems in place to make sure people had the opportunity to voice their concerns.
Relatives and people using the service knew how to complain but did not have any complaints. Records were stored individually and securely. Some records were incomplete or did not contain enough detail to make sure people's needs were fully met.