16, 17 April 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on information gathered during conversations with people who used the service , relatives, staff and management of Truro Internal Homecare Agency.
Is the service safe?
We found that Truro Internal Homecare Agency provided safe care and support to people who used the service. We saw that appropriate risk assessments had been completed and that people's care had been planned so as to ensure their safety during each care intervention.
Is the service effective?
People's health and care needs had been assessed during face to face meetings between team leaders and with the individual in need of care and support. We found regular reviews of care needs had been completed throughout the six week re-enablement period and care plans had been updated appropriately to reflect the changing needs of individuals. People who used the service told us 'I am amazed how much progress I have made', 'I was impressed with the setup' and 'they are very good indeed'.
Surveys completed by the provider at the end of the six weeks of care provision found that 89% of people felt they were able to complete more tasks independently as a result of the support provided by Truro Internal Homecare Agency.
The procedures for ensuring people who used the service consented to their care were robust. People told us 'they ask me 'what would you like to do today' and 'I want to be able to do it and they are helping me'. We saw that the service had reacted appropriately when consent was withdrawn.
Is the service caring?
Everyone we spoke with was happy with the quality of care and support they had received from Truro Internal Homecare Agency. Comments received included 'they are very very good', the staff are 'Inspirational' and 'very friendly, very professional'.
All of the staff we spoke with were proud of their work and had a good understanding of the care needs of the people they supported.
People's preferences, interests, care needs and goals for care interventions had been recorded during the care assessment process. Regular reviews of care provision had been completed by team leaders during visits with people who used the service and care documentation had been updated to reflect individuals changing needs for care and support.
Is the service responsive?
The service was responsive; we found people who used the service knew how to make complaints but everyone we spoke with told us they had not needed to make a complaint. People told us 'I have a booklet with all that information but I have never needed it' and 'I am very pleased with them, I have no complaints whatsoever'. The provider's complaints procedures were robust and all complaints, which were received very infrequently, had been effectively investigated and resolved.
The service routinely received compliments form people who used the service, we saw that these compliments were share with staff and had been discussed during staff supervision meetings.
We found that the service aimed to review care plans each week to ensure they accurately reflected peoples care needs. People who used the service told us they felt involved in the care planning process and one person told us 'we choose not to have all the visits they offered'.
Is the service well led?
Truro Internal Homecare Agency was well led. Staff members told us the manager and Team leaders are 'absolutely brilliant', 'the on call system is very good' and 'you can always get hold of people when you need them'.
The service had appropriate quality assurance systems and numerous auditing processes designed to ensure continuing improvement to the quality of service provided.