8 December 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with told us they could choose what they did when they stayed at Duke Street, but some said, "We used to go out more". People told us that staff respected their privacy. One person said, "I like to watch my programmes in my room and that's okay. No one bothers me, because they know me".
We looked at two care records to determine if people's needs had been assessed and that care plans and risk assessments detailed how those needs could be met safely. Information we saw provided assurance that people's care needs were being met.
We checked to see if staff were receiving support to ensure they met people's needs appropriately and if they had the training they needed. Staff we spoke with confirmed that one to one supervision of their practice took place and training needs had been identified.
There were systems in place for the receipt and management of any complaints about the service. People we spoke with told us they knew who to go to if they had any concerns. Relatives we spoke with confirmed that they felt able to raise concerns if they needed to.