3 February 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. The provider had policies in place for safeguarding and whistle-blowing which were prominently displayed within the home. Staff demonstrated a good understanding of their role in protecting people from abuse.
We looked at the medicines records and stock for two people's controlled drugs and found these to be correct. We also checked the records and stock for a range of other medicines for five people. Records were complete and medicines could be accounted for. Our checks found the stock levels corresponded with the medication administration records (MARs).
Records showed that people were cared for, or supported by, suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff.
Appropriate arrangements were not in place for the reporting of incidents at Tate House. We have asked the provider to address this issue.
People had care plans and risk assessments in place to help to protect their wellbeing. Staff helped people to maintain their independence. A person said 'We have a key worker. They come and have a chat with me about my care. Any help I need it is there when I need it.' People's needs were known and were being met.
There were policies and procedures in place to help to protect people from abuse. Any issues raised were offered to the local authorities safeguarding of vulnerable adults team. This helped to protect people.
During our visit we saw that there was enough staff to help and support people. Staff confirmed they had the right skills to meet people's needs and said there were enough of them to provide care in a timely way. A person living at the home said 'There are enough staff .They know what they are doing.'
People were able to raise issues and make complaints. We saw evidence which confirmed that the management team acted upon any issues raised to make sure that people remained happy with the service they received.