12 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that people's needs were assessed and that in each record we looked at the person themselves had made comments about their needs or care. For example, one person commented on the care and support they wanted and signed to indicate that this was their choices and were supported by staff to put forward their views about the service.
Systems had been put in place which evidenced that people's care plans were reviewed to ensure they were up to date. We found that care plans provided detailed information and guidance for staff to be able to meet people's needs. The provider has made provisions about how the service could respond to foreseeable emergencies and had plans in place to enable staff to act appropriately in the event of an emergency.
The provider had minimised the risk and likelihood of abuse by making sure all the policies and procedures to promote safeguarding were in place.
We saw that people who used the service were able to attend weekly resident's forum meetings and to speak to staff about any concerns they may have about the service. We saw that the provider requested all the people who used the service, their relatives and relevant professionals to undertake and complete an annual quality assurance questioner (QA). The service also carried out a range of audits, including but not limited to Clinical Risk, Infection Control, Medicines, Equality and Diversity and Health and Safety.