There were four people using the service. We met and spoke with all of them and everyone we spoke with said or indicated that they were happy living at Gladstone House.People told us that they felt safe and well looked after. People told us that they could express any problems to the staff who would listen and act. People said that they thought the staff were kind and caring. One person said 'Everything is good about living here. Good food, good friends, good staff.'
Staffing was planned around individual needs and activities. People told us 'They (the staff) support us with transport and stuff' and 'Staff help me with my laundry and bedding. They help me keep my room clean.'
People looked relaxed in the company of each other and staff. We saw that people took part in a range of community based activities that they enjoyed and were involved in the local and wider community. People had support to take part in the cooking and cleaning and had the opportunity to go food shopping and prepare their own meals. Everyone was fully involved and included in the running of the service. One person said 'We all do the cooking. Each person chooses a meal and puts it on the menu.'
People's health needs were supported and the service worked closely with health and social care professionals to maintain and improve people's health and well being.