11 October 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Our inspection on 3 June 2013 found that there were insufficient staff to meet the needs of people living at Wren Park Care Home. People and the staff told us that nursing staff were stretched as they had additional tasks to undertake that meant they were not always able to address the needs of people living at the service. The provider wrote to us and told us they had recruited additional nursing staff and would use agency staff to address any further shortfalls.
We found the manager had recruited three additional registered nurses and a number of carers since our inspection on 3 June 2013. We observed the interactions in various locations in the home and noted the call bells were answered promptly. Over the meal time the needs of people were being met in a timely way. People and staff told us the increased levels of staffing had made a positive difference to the care they received.
We also looked at the quality assurance systems and noted steps had been made to update staff training. Dementia and nutritional champions had been appointed from the staff team. Action had been taken to address the issues raised by the fire officer from their inspection in July 2013. Equipment had been serviced and we saw records to evidence this action.