21 October 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
People's care was planned to ensure that the care received was appropriate and in accordance with the person's needs and wishes. We found that people's safety and welfare were protected by the planning of care and the presence of procedures to deal with foreseeable emergencies.
The premises were well maintained and safe. One person told us, 'My room was recently decorated'. Another said 'They have done a lot of work in the grounds recently, trimming back trees and things.'
There was sufficient, suitable equipment to allow staff to deliver care safely. The equipment we saw was, with one exception, well maintained. A member of care staff said 'There is enough equipment for us to use. Sometimes there may be a short delay while we wait for a hoist but that's unavoidable'.
We found that staff were supported through a system of regular appraisal and supervision.
The service had a complaints policy and procedure which meant that, should people have reason to complain, their complaint would be listened to and acted upon.