We spoke privately with four patients who were attending the service for a consultation. All the patients told us that they were "very pleased" and happy with the service they had received. They told us they felt their dignity was maintained and their privacy protected. Patients using the service told us:
'Explained everything to me in a language I could understand'.
'Time to decide no pressure'.
'Very thorough don't feel pushed'.
Patients we spoke with showed us they had been given written information with treatment choice and payment details as part of their consultation. This shows us that patients were helped to make an informed choice about their treatment. Patients told us staff were "very friendly' and 'professional '
We saw systems in operation to gain feedback from patients. We were shown examples of satisfaction surveys that were available in the clinic. Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. Patients told us they had no concerns or worries about their safety or well-being whilst using the service.
The provider had a comprehensive infection prevention and control policy in place that is in line with all relevant guidelines and requirements.
Appropriate arrangements for the storage, prescribing and handling of medicines were in place.Checks of medicines records found they were being recorded accurately. The provider had a comprehensive medicines management policy and guidelines.