6 June 2011
During a routine inspection
These are some of the things people told us at that time '
"The staff are very helpful when I need assistance."
"Staff are always respectful and helpful."
"The staff will go that little extra mile for me."
At this visit people we spoke with people who use the service and they said 'the girls are good and work hard'.
People also told us that they were 'quite happy' and that the staff 'do their best'.
One person told us that they thought there were not enough staff. They said 'the girls are good and work hard' but that sometimes they had to wait to go to the toilet ' 'you wait, wait, wait ' they can't help it, the girls are kind'.
The people we spoke with all told us that they felt that the staff knew them and how to look after them. However, one person told us that they were taken to the shower when they prefer a bath.
The spouse of one person who lived at the home told us that they were able to join them for the lunchtime meal and then they spent time together during the afternoon. They told us that staff were 'always on hand and that there was 'nothing to complain about'.
We observed the lunchtime meal as part of our visit. Wherever possible, people were encouraged to eat independently and in their own time, with staff stepping in to assist when they were needed. When staff were not able to assist immediately food was kept hot until they were able to give the help required. Staff sat down next to people and helped on a one to one basis. People were able to eat at their own pace and were served their pudding as soon as they were ready for it.
People told us that the food was good and one person told us that sometimes the food is 'bland' and other days it was 'very nice'.
We spoke with staff and this is what they told us,
'a lot happier now'
'excellent training'
(the manager) 'has done us proud'.