We inspected this service on 28 September 2015 and the inspection was unannounced.
St Dominics Residential Home provides personal care for up to 39 older people, some living with dementia. There were 34 people living at the service on the day of our inspection and two people were in hospital.
During our last inspection carried out over two days, 25 April and 2 May 2014, we found that this service was not compliant in some areas. There were concerns around arrangements for gaining people’s consent, care plan reviews, staffing and the use of door wedges which might impact swift evacuation of the building in the event of a fire, and quality assurance processes.
During this inspection we found that the manager had taken action and was offering a good service overall. Although we found the service continued the use of door wedges and had risk assessments around their use to safeguard people. However, we had concerns about the quality of the risk assessments. We asked the fire officer for their opinion, they told us that it was recommended that an automatic closure device suitable for the intended occupancy should be fitted to all bedroom doors.
You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
There were enough staff to support people safely and staff knew what to do if they suspected someone may be being abused or harmed. Recruitment practices were robust and contributed to protecting people from staff who were unsuitable to work in care.
Medicines were managed and stored properly and safely so that people received them as the prescriber intended. Staff had received the training they needed to understand how to meet people’s needs. They understood the importance of gaining consent from people before delivering their care or treatment. Staff were clear about their roles. Where people were not able to give informed consent staff and the manager ensured their rights were protected.
People had enough to eat and drink to meet their needs and staff assisted or prompted people with meals and fluids if they needed support.
Staff treated people with warmth and compassion. They were respectful of people’s privacy and dignity and offered comfort and reassurance when people were distressed or unsettled. Staff also made sure that people who were becoming unwell were referred promptly to healthcare professionals for treatment and advice about their health and welfare.
Staff showed commitment to understanding and responding to each person’s needs and references so that they could engage meaningfully with people. Outings and outside entertainment was offered to people and staff offered activities on a daily basis.
Staff understood the importance of responding to and resolving concerns quickly if they were able to do so. Staff also ensured that more serious complaints were passed on to the management team for investigation. People and their representatives told us that they were confident that any complaints they made would be addressed by the manager.
The service had consistent leadership. The staff told us that the manager was supportive and accessible if they wanted to talk with them. There was an audit system in place to check that the service was offering a good quality service. The audits were in place but some lacked detail. The provider visited the service several times a week to check that the quality of the service was maintained and spoke with people who used the service to pass time and to gave them the opportunity to give their view of the way the service was managed. But the provider did not record the visits. We have asked for the audits to become more detailed and suggested that the provider recorded their visits, we have been told that both have been have been put in place.
People were also given the opportunity to voice their views in an annual survey, we saw the last survey and noted that only positive comments were recorded.