We considered our inspection findings to answer the questions we always ask:' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found. The summary is based upon our observations, discussions with people who used the service, their relatives and the staff who supported them and from looking at the records held in the home. We also observed the interactions between people living there and the staff supporting and caring for them. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
We saw that risk assessments had been carried out to help make sure that people who lived there received safe and appropriate care and treatment. This included the important areas of nutrition, personal care, skin care and wound management, mobility and moving and handling and the risk of falls.
Staff had received training on safeguarding vulnerable adults. Staff we spoke with were clear about the procedures to use in reporting any concerns. We found that staff had received a range of training to maintain and develop their skills and that was suited to their roles and responsibilities.
We saw that the premises and grounds were being maintained and were accessible to the people living there. Appropriate measures were in place to ensure the security of the premises to keep people safe. The service had systems in place to manage and monitor the prevention and control of infection and the home was clean and hygienic.
The home had a range of equipment to support the people who lived there. We saw that all the equipment in use was being serviced and checked regularly to ensure it was safe for people to use.
Is the service effective?
We found that people's health and care needs had been assessed with them and they were involved in deciding the care, treatment and life styles they wanted. We saw records that showed staff had undertaken appropriate and accredited training to give them the skills and knowledge to look after people properly.
Where people had been identified as at higher risk due to complex needs we saw that appropriate specialist services had been contacted for advice and support. People's needs and abilities had been taken into account in the way the home was laid out and furnished. People's bedrooms and bathrooms had been adapted to meet their individual physical needs.
Is the service caring?
The information we looked at about the people using the service was written in a holistic and positive way. People's aspirations, interests and different needs were clearly recorded. People living at the home who spoke with us were happy living there and liked the staff caring for them. People were supported to take part in a wide range of interests and activities they enjoyed both inside and outside the home.
We saw that the care was monitored through regular reviews and changes were made where necessary. Relatives we spoke with felt they were 'included' in care and 'Kept up to date'.
We saw that people living there were comfortable with the staff caring for them and appeared relaxed in their company. The staff took the time to talk with people as they went about their duties. We saw many positive interactions between the staff on duty and people who used this service. These positive interactions supported individuals' wellbeing.
Is the service responsive?
People were able to take part in activities they wanted to inside and outside the home and to decide for themselves how they spent their time. We were told about trips out, holidays, attending the theatre, discos and using the local church and leisure centre. The home had its own mini buses to take people out into the community.
We could see that the clinical manager and nursing staff monitored people's conditions and made timely referrals to other services to access the care people needed. The clinical manager took responsibility for making sure care had been well coordinated between different services involved in people's care and support.
There were clear policies and procedures in place regarding making a complaint if people wanted to. This information was available in different formats including pictorial if people found that easier to use.
Is the service well led?
Relatives we spoke with praised the dedication of the management and staff. Staff we spoke with felt they were well supported and trained to do their work well and that senior management were 'Very approachable'. Staff were clear about what their roles and responsibilities were and told us the management had an 'Open door policy' if they needed to talk about any matter.
When found there was an effective and verifiable system being used to assess and monitor the quality of the services and records about the care and support people living at the home received. Formal systems were in place to audit the quality of the service provided. We saw that the management team and staff took a proactive approach and identified areas that could be improved and acted promptly to do so. This meant that the provision was continuously improving.
There were records of the regular meetings that were held with people who lived there, their families and the staff employed, to gather their views about the service. We saw that action had been taken in response to the feedback given at these meetings.