15 September 2016
During a routine inspection
Rosehill Residential Home is owned by The Henry Lonsdale Charitable Trust and situated on the outskirts of Carlisle. The home provides care for up to 40 older people who may have various forms of dementia related conditions.
The home is divided into four units all at ground floor level. Each unit has lounge and dining facilities and adapted bathing facilities. There are extensive well maintained gardens and grounds.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Care plans were person centred and showed that individual preferences were taken into account. Care plans were subject to regular review to ensure they met people’s changing needs. This meant people received personalised care. They were easy to read and based on assessment and reflected the needs of people. Risk assessments were carried out and plans were put in place to reduce risks to people’ safety and welfare.
Where people were not able to make important decisions about their lives the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 were followed to protect their rights. Staff were aware of how to identify and report abuse. There were policies in place that outlined what to do if staff had concerns about the practice of a colleague.
The staff were trained to an appropriate standard and received regular supervision and appraisal. As part of their recruitment process the service carried out background checks on new staff. Staffing levels during the day were acceptable. At night there was only two staff on duty which at times may have been insufficient to meet people’s needs in a timely manner. The provider acted immediately and organised for staffing to be increased at night. We have made a recommendation relating to monitoring staffing levels.
The service managed medicines appropriately. They were correctly stored, monitored and administered in accordance with the prescription. People were supported to maintain their health and to access health services if needed. People who required support with eating and drinking received it and had their nutrition and hydration support needs regularly assessed.
Staff had developed good relationships with people and communicated in a kind and caring manner. They were aware of how to treat people with dignity and respect. Policies were in place that outlined acceptable standards in this area.
There was a complaints procedure in place that outlined how to make a complaint and how long it would take to deal with. People were aware of how to raise a complaint and who to speak to about any concerns they had.
The home was well led by a registered manager who had a vision for the future of the service. A quality assurance system was in place that was utilised to improve the service.