31 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We reviewed the care files of four people who used the service and found evidence that there were procedures in place to ensure their consent was gained in relation to the care provided for them.
We saw that care plans clearly identified the needs of the person and included information on the level of support required to support people to maintain their existing skills.
People spoken with told us they received appropriate support with their medication. We saw there were some systems in place for the administration of medicines. However we found that these were not robust and meant that people might be at risk from the unsafe administration of medicine.
We spoke with two members of staff, one of whom had recently started work for the organisation on a casual basis in order to cover for staff sickness and annual leave. Both staff members told us they were confident in carrying out their responsibilities. We saw evidence that staff were appropriately qualified and provided with training relevant to their role.
We found that suitable arrangements were in place to manage an effective complaints process for identifying, receiving and handling complaints for people living at Bewsey House.