This inspection took place between 4 February and 15 February 2016. The inspection was announced. This meant we contacted the service 48 hours before we visited the office. This was to ensure the office would be open and someone would be available on the day of our visit. The last inspection of this service took place in July 2013. The service was found to be compliant with all of the legal requirements inspected at that time.
Ladies in Waiting provides a wide range of home care services and support to older people who live in Ilkley and surrounding areas. These services are provided to private clients in their own homes. Their head office is located within Ilkley town centre. At the time of this inspection 30 people received support with personal care. The service also provides support with a range of other tasks such as shopping and cleaning. However, this level of support does not fall under the regulated activity of personal care and regulatory remit of the Commission.
The service has a registered manager who had been in post since the service opened. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Risks to people’s health and wellbeing were being effectively assessed, monitored and managed.
The provider had appropriate arrangements in place to help reduce the likelihood of abuse going unnoticed and help protect people from the risk of abuse.
Sufficient staff were employed to ensure people’s individual care needs were met. Care rotas were realistically planned and well organised to ensure people received consistency in the time of their visits and the staff who provided their care.
The provider had effective medicines management systems in place which evidenced medicines were being safely managed.
Care was delivered by suitably skilled and experienced staff. The provider only employed staff with previous experience in care and those able to engage in meaningful conversation with people. Many of the staff employed were retired nurses or social workers which meant they had a thorough understanding of the care sector.
People’s individual dietary needs and preferences were planned for and met. Staff worked in partnership with a range of health professionals to ensure people maintained good health.
We received consistently positive feedback about the communication between frontline staff, office staff and other health and social care professionals. This was a positive feature of the service because good communication is particularly important to ensure joined up care where people are supported by a range of health and social care professionals.
Staff demonstrated understanding of their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and had a good knowledge of the people they supported and their capacity to make decisions.
The feedback we received about the standard of care was consistently good. We saw that people were supported by regular staff. This consistency enabled care staff to develop meaningful relationships with the people they supported.
People told us staff were kind, caring and treated them with dignity and respect. Staff actively sought opportunities to help promote people’s independence and ensure people made decisions about how their care and treatment was provided. Where people raised issues or concerns they were listened to and staff tried to make improvements to the quality of care they received.
We saw there were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. When areas for improvement were identified action was taken to address any shortfalls.
People using the service, relatives and staff we spoke with were very positive about the registered manager. They all said the registered manager was committed to providing the best service they could offer, was approachable and provided effective leadership. Staff and people who used the service told us they would recommend Ladies in Waiting to other people.