About the service: 17 Berryfield Road offers accommodation and personal care for up to four people with learning disabilities. At the time of the inspection four people were living at the service.
People’s experience of using this service:
The manager audited the quality of service delivery monthly. However, their assessment of some outcomes were not consistent with our findings.
Records were not always up to date. Information in care plans were difficult to follow because of the number of amendments and duplications. Some care plans including person centred plans (PCP) were duplicated but the information was not consistent with each other.
Care plans were not always person centred and were based on the assistance needed from staff. Where people's preferences were documented, this information was not part of the care plans. One person we spoke with was aware of having care plans and told us the staff helped them understand them.
Risks were assessed, and action plans were developed on how to reduce the potential of harm to people. However, some risk assessments were difficult to follow because of the number of amendments.
Although staff recorded when people expressed their emotions using behaviours deemed to be difficult, care plans were not devised based on an analysis of behaviours observed. We noted that people were given time and space when they expressed anxiety.
Mental capacity assessments had not been reviewed to ensure people had capacity to make decisions. The date changes were used to indicate people’s capacity was reviewed. However, there was no other documented evidence of an assessment. People told us the day to day decisions they made.
The staff were supported to meet the responsibilities of their role. New staff had an induction when they started work, they attended training set as mandatory by the provider and there were one-to-one meetings with the line manager.
There were existing staff vacancies and staffing levels were maintained with regular agency staff.
People said they felt safe living at the service. The staff were knowledgeable about safeguarding procedures including the types of abuse and about reporting concerns.
Medicines were safely managed, and protocols were in place for medicines to be administered “when required” (PRN).
People's dietary needs were met. There was guidance for people with specialist dietary needs such as textured and enriched diets. People were supported to prepare menus.
The home was clean and free from odours However, the garden was overgrown and difficult for the person with pets to access.
People's ongoing healthcare was met. People had annual health checks. Hospital passports detailed important and essential information about the person in the event of an admission.
People’s rights were respected. One person told us the staff were kind. We saw staff giving people their full attention when they were interacting with each other. Comments from staff showed they knew how to show kindness and compassion as necessary to people.
People views were sought and they gave positive responses about their experiences of service delivery.
Staff told us the team worked well together. They said the registered manager was fair and approachable.
Rating at last inspection:
The service was rated as Good at the comprehensive inspection dated 27 July 2016. This report was made public on 29 September 2016
Why we inspected:
This inspection was a scheduled inspection based on previous rating.
Follow up:
We will monitor all intelligence we receive about the service to inform when the next inspection should take place.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk