20 March 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
One person who looked after their medicines told us, 'I am happy looking after my medicines. I know what they are all for'. We found that the service enabled people to manage their own medicines following a risk assessment process.
A pharmacist from NHS Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) visited the home from January to February 2014 to support the service with safe medicine management. We were shown a copy of their last report dated 12 February 2014 which stated, 'service users can be confident that medication systems allow safe, timely and consistent access to their medications and the provider demonstrates good insight into managing their medication systems'. The Manager told us that systems for medicine management had improved. This included undertaking regular checks on medicine records to identify any problems and to ensure staff followed safe medicine procedures. At this inspection, we found improvements had been undertaken with arrangements in place to ensure that medicines were managed safely.