29 July 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We asked the service to provide us with an action plan demonstrating what they had done to address the issue of non-compliance. We received an action plan from the registered manager. This detailed the procedures put in place to address the concerns. This inspection was to see what actions had been taken.
On this inspection, these areas of concern had improved and the service was compliant. We found care plans were being modified to ensure all information was accessible. Records seen were accurate and informative.
We spoke with a range of people about the home. They included people who lived at Burrowbeck Grange, where they were able, staff, and a professional working with the home. We also observed how people were supported by staff. Most people we spoke with indicated or told us they were satisfied with the care being provided. They told us they felt well cared for. One person said, "The staff are nice and helpful.' Although another person said they didn't like anything.
We saw that care and support was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. People were treated with respect and dignity and personal care was given discretely.
We observed the home was clean and tidy. Actions had been taken to ensure flooring and equipment protected people from the risk of infection.
At the last inspection there were concerns about the effectiveness of the audits. On this inspection formal audits were in place and regular informal monitoring was carried out regularly. These included looking at care, medication management and infection control.
As well as the provider's quality governance meetings, the manager had started to complete monthly reports for the Directors. In addition, the newly appointed Head of operations was starting to carry out regular spot checks, where he walked around the building, observed care and talked to people, as well as formal audits. This was to ensure there was an effective system in place to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people using the service.