13 January 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
The home had responded to people’s choices and individual needs during the pandemic, to help them carry out activities outside the home safely. For example, they had provided people with information and training about the pandemic and had provided support packages of sanitiser and masks.
When the provider admitted people to the home, they recognised and responded to people’s individual needs whilst ensuring they followed the proper government guidelines.
The provider was following the current Government National Guidance regarding care home visiting. People had three named visitors and an essential care giver. Information was available for visitors to follow. Visitors were supported to test for COVID 19 prior to entering the home and instructed how to use PPE.
The provider had adapted the home entrances to accommodate PPE and testing stations for people living at the home and their visitors to use before entering.
The home had alternative methods to support social contact for visitors who were not named. For example, video calling.
The home had sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE). There were PPE stations available throughout the premises. Staff had received training in infection prevention and control and how to don and doff PPE.
The provider had a system in place to ensure staff had the necessary vaccinations and had completed the necessary COVID 19 testing prior to working in the home.
The layout of the service and communal areas supported social distancing. The premises looked clean and hygienic throughout. There were cleaning schedules in place and adequate ventilation.
The staff were aware of who to contact should they have a outbreak of COVID 19 and the protocols to follow.